Grave Purchase Prices….Shul Owned Cemeteries

Grave Purchase Prices….Shul Owned Cemeteries

Home JCANA Forum Grave Purchase Prices….Shul Owned Cemeteries

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    • #1510
      Carol Hochstadt

        Our 3 cemeteries, owned by our synagogue, haven’t raised plot prices in 5 years – and are now looking at doing so. We have 4 prices: pre-need, member; pre-need, non-member; at-need, member; and at-need, non-member. If you have a similar structure, we would appreciate knowing what your 4 prices are currently. We try to encourage pre-need and membership by giving a discount, want to cover our expenses, but don’t want to place too much of a burden on families. Our burials over the past few years have tended to be at least 65% non-members. We wonder how other cemeteries accomplish these goals through grave prices. Thanks very much in advance for any information you are willing to share!

      • #1693

          We find it simply easier to charge one price for all lots. In other Jewish synagogue cemeteries I manage we do have a practice of giving people $100 off the lot price if they are a member of a particular congregation. M. Morris Mpls., MN

        • #1756
          Kathy Parven

            We do not sell to non-members, and only one synagogue here still does. They have member and non-member pricing. If a person joins our synagogue in order to purchase plots, we charge an additional $2K per plot in the first 12 months of membership in good standing. AFter the 12 months, they can purchase at the regular price. We do sell columbarium niches to non-members at about 50% more than member price. If a decedent is no longer a member upon their death, we charge a $1K non-member admin. fee for the funeral. For all our prices, we have pre-need and at-need pricing. we currently sell plots to members for $4750.00. For non-member/member pricing info, feel free to contact Christian Simmons at Congregation Emanu El in Houston.

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