JCANA Newsletter – Summer 2017

JCANA Newsletter – Summer 2017

Message from Dan Brodsky, Chairman
JCANA recently held our 9th annual conference in Vancouver B. C., and members from around North America gathered to hear presentations about matters that are important to cemeteries everywhere: security, mapping software, grounds maintenance, historic preservation, green burial and more. And we were privileged to visit some of the local Jewish cemeteries and see new and different ways to run a cemetery. Every conference JCANA has put on over the past 9 years has been an opportunity for our members to pick up information and to see how other cemeteries handle the issues that we all face in our day-to-day operations. And each time we all get together, it’s an occasion to renew old acquaintances and to make new friends. We have built a sizable network of friends and colleagues in the short time that JCANA has been in existence.

We are already planning for our next conference in 2018: our Conference Planning Committee is looking at several destinations, and we hope to have an announcement by the end of this summer. So keep next May open and look for news soon! If you have not yet joined our organization, please do so on our website: www.JCANA.org, or call Amy Koplow, our Membership Chair, at 212-239-1662.

Dan Brodsky, Chairman
[email protected]
(314) 353-2540

9th Annual JCANA Conference Wrap Up
The Jewish Cemetery Association of North America (JCANA), in conjunction with the Schara Tzedeck Cemetery Board, held its 9th Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 21st – 24th 2017. The 3-day conference is a coming together of cemetery and Chevra Kadisha Directors to share innovative ideas, discuss controversial issues and plan strategies for fiscal responsibility in cemetery management.

The conference kicked off with a Gala Dinner catering to 70 guests and featuring keynote speaker Michael Geller, local architect, planner and real estate developer.

Topics covered over the 3 days included Cemetery Security, Green Burial, Cemetery Restoration, Chevra Kadisha and the Community, Cemetery Mapping, Ethical Wills, and Autopsy and Medical Dissection.

Speakers included local Vancouver experts as well as other prtofessionals from Seattle and New Jersey.

Two afternoons were spent visiting local Jewish cemeteries, one of which, Mountain View Cemetery, dates back to 1892 and has been entirely restored and refurbished with new amenities. An unveiling of five baby headstones was solemnly observed along with a walking tour of this historical cemetery. Another, Schara Tzedeck Cemetery, has had its chapel renovated including a new area for “kohanim”, “tahara” room, “shomrim” room and family room. The third, Temple Sholom Cemetery, is a very unique concept with graves intermingled among gardens and trees. Its architect, world-renowned Cornelia Oberlander, treated delegates to an insightful talk.

The conference took a thematic approach, which incorporated panel discussions and fostered interaction among attendees.

Howard Jampolsky, Executive Director of the Schara Tzedeck Cemetery Board was happy to host this conference in Vancouver along with Dan Brodsky, Chairman of JCANA.

Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati and Cincinnati Jewish Community Dedicates New Cemetery
By Marc Emral
It’s the first new Jewish cemetery in Cincinnati in 59 years, and officials hope it lasts for the next 100 years.

The cemetery was dedicated Sunday, June 4, and included services conducted by congregational rabbis to dedicate the initial Reform, Conservative and Orthodox sections.

“I think it is incredibly special that we have a cemetery that is going to house all of our Jewish community in one location that is a pluralistic space that acknowledges we are one community with community needs,” said David Harris, the soon-to-be executive director of the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati (JCGC). “While we may have different practices we can find a way to incorporate all of that together and have a community space that really is part of the overlying mission, in some way, of Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati to be that body that oversees the needs of the entire community.”

For general information, please contact Dan Brodsky: [email protected]
For membership information, please contact Amy Koplow: [email protected]
To send information or suggestions regarding the newsletter, you may e-mail [email protected]

Please visit our website: www.jcana.org