1st Annual JCANA Conference
The first JCANA conference was held June 7-9, 2009 in Berkeley, California.
There were 26 cemeterians from throughout North America in attendance. The cemeterians represented cemetery sites from large associations to small cemetery settings within a larger cemetery site.
Throughout the conference, there was good enthusiasm and sharing of ideas.
Besides the cemeterians, we were happy to have 9 exhibitors.
The conference was a good opportunity to hear subjects on many issues, including cremation and intermarriage, genealogical capturing of interments, geophysical locating of gravesites, gold rush burial sites, continuity of cemeteries, application of cemetery software, how small cemeteries operate within a larger cemetery setting, and advisory committee response to revitalization of a cemetery.
There was good interaction between the presenters and the conference attendees.
The planning has begun on the conference to be held next year in Atlanta. We would appreciate hearing feedback on this year’s conference and ideas for next year’s conference.
I would also like to thank all of you who helped with the conference; it was much appreciated.
Harley Felstein, Conference Co-chair